Thursday, March 14, 2013

Muscle Hypertrophy Workouts

Are you a physique enthusiast or a body builder? Are you looking for proportional and symmetrical physique? If so, you will require building some lagging muscles in your body and for this purpose you have to undergo through intense and focused training. In this article we are going to have a quick look upon a few such workouts.  
Hypertrophy Workouts
Before going to discuss various hypertrophy workouts, it is essential to outline certain guidelines that need to be adhered during the course of various training programs or workouts.
·       Make your habit to complete one exercise before moving to the next one.
·       Have two minutes break between the exercises.
·       Have one minute gap between the sets.
Now let us outline a brief workout schedule for a week.
Workouts for Monday
·       Flexibility and Stretching
·       Heavy bench press and warm up (4x10)
·       Body warm up; bike or climber
·       Moderate to heavy military press (3x10)
·       3x12 leg extensions
·       Clean pulls (3x10)
·       Glute Hams (3x10)
·       Leg extensions (3x12)
·       Abdominal; Plate Crunch (3x25), Rotary Work (3x12) and Crunch Machine (3x25)
Workouts for Wednesday
·       Incline bench; 4x10 warm up
·       (From the thigh) clean pulls; 3x10
·       Leg curls; 4x10
·       Dips; maximum efforts for fatigue
·       Shoulder combo (Squat press, upright rows, bent over without rest); 3x10
·       Bicycle crunch (3x20)
·       Hanging knee lifts
Workouts for Friday
·       Heavy Squats; warm-up (4x10)
·       Light Snatch Squat; warm up (3x10)
·       Light Bench Press
·       3x10 dead lifts (Romanian); like regular lift excluding rotation at hips and keeping the knees slightly bent
·       3x10 Glute Hams
·       Black exercise (3x12)
·       DB incline; 4x10
·       Scissors kicks (3x20), Rotary Machine (3x12), Leg lifts (3x15)  
Skeletal Hypertrophy for Muscles
Skeletal hypertrophy refers to surge in the cross sectional area of a muscle. Such a hypertrophy is administered by growth factors as well as hormones. A few prominent growth factors include IL-1, IL-6, IGF-I, testosterone, and satellite cells. The hike in muscle cross sectional area is achieved by:
·       Increase in myofibrils size
·       Increase in size of Sarcoplasm
·       Surge in connective tissues that surround muscle fibers, myofibrils, and muscle.
It is pertinent to mention here that hike in the cross sectional area is mostly accomplished in two forms that are sarcoplasmic and sarcomere.
Nutrition that maximize workout effects
There are certain nutrition items that help to maximize effectiveness of different muscle hypertrophy workouts. 
Intense exercises increase the demand of glycogen (sugar) stored in muscles as well as liver. Therefore it is essential to consume sugar right from the beginning of such intense exercises to make sure adequate sugar level in the body.
Consuming protein meal ahead of various workouts can also enhance the effectiveness of such training programs as proteins are known to increase the provision of different amino acids for muscle tissues.
This was a brief account of various Hypertrophy Workouts and how one can enhance the effectiveness of such workouts.

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